Received the beautiful mama blog award


beautiful-mama-blog-award1I am completely honoured that Jenny from The Jenny Evolution and The Sensory Spectrum nominated me for the beautiful mama blog award – thank you!

I initially started this blog last year because I wanted a place to share my bumpy road of learning to sew.  It also gave me an excuse to take a break from my challenging but adored role as Maddy’s mom.

It was not long after I started writing that I poured my heart and soul out to the readers of sewrite. That was a turning point for me, and I realized how much writing about the darkest moments of my parenting journey, sharing my most exciting and brightest moments, and documenting ‘things that worked in our house’ was a way for me to cope better with our situation. I love how my blog has also connected me with so many compassionate, loving, wonderful parents who have ‘been there’ and can shine the light forward for us.

I’m fumbling my way through this whole parenting thing, but I love where we are headed. In an email exchange with a friend today, talking about experiences with our kiddos, she commented that I am “very determined”. I responded back to her, tongue in cheek, that “I’m not sure the correct descriptor of my parenting style is very determined as much as it is stubborn to the point of [self] destruction.” This blog certainly helps me take a step back, and not let my stubbornness for working towards a specific goal with Madeleine take over who I am as a person – not just a mother – but a person who also needs to be taken care of.

As part of the beautiful mama blog award, I’m asked to tell you three things I love about being a mom. This is a really tough question, but I’ll do my best to say something worthwhile.

  1. I love seeing the world through Madeleine’s eyes. I love getting excited about bubbles, trains, and music.
  2. I love how much Madeleine is teaching me. I love that she pushes me past my comfort zone, and forces me to learn skills that I would otherwise gloss over. Some of the things she’s teaching me are: more patience, the comfort of routine, and speaking up for myself (and her too). The more I learn about Madeleine, the more I learn about myself.
  3. Every day Madeleine is the best reminder of what is important in my life, where my priorities lie, and who I want to be – I am so thankful for that.

There are so many beautiful mamas out there it’s hard to pick… but here are a handful of them in no particular order:

Lindsay @ Food for Thought

Lee-Ann @ Lee-Ann’s Crazy Life!

Brandi @ yee wittle things

Shannon @ HighFunctioningMomism

  • Save the award image and include it in your acceptance post
  • List three things you love about motherhood
  • Nominate other deserving mamas – as many as you’d like!


5 responses »

  1. Thank you so much! I am so honored! I am glad we found each other! You are a beautiful Momma!

  2. You deserve the recognition! I want to say I’ve enjoyed reading your blog but that would be the wrong description. How about I am glad to share this journey with such an awesome mom. It takes courage to share with others. I’m so thankful you are.

  3. Aww thank you so much Ashley! Congrats on your award and how nice of you to nominate me as well 🙂 I’m so happy to have come across your blog and have enjoyed following along through your posts 🙂 You certainly do deserve the Beautiful Mama blog award!!! 🙂

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